For this example we will use the in-memory instance of the H2 embedded database. Let us create a project using Leiningen.
lein new crud
Edit the project.clj file as follows:
(defproject crud "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "CRUD example"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.0"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.2.0"]
[org.bituf/clj-dbcp "0.1"]
[org.bituf/sqlrat "0.2"]
[com.h2database/h2 "1.2.141"]]
:dev-dependencies [[swank-clojure "1.2.1"]]
:main crud.core)
and get the dependencies:
lein deps
Now we will edit the core.clj file as follows:
(ns crud.core
(:use org.bituf.clj-dbcp)
(:use org.bituf.sqlrat.entity)
(def db (db-spec (h2-memory-datasource)))
(defrecord Employee [])
(def emp-type
(entity-meta :emp :empid (from-row Employee.)
:cols [[:empid :int "NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY"]
[:empname "VARCHAR(50)" "NOT NULL"]
[:dob "DATE" "NOT NULL"]]))
(extend-entity Employee emp-type)
(defn new-emp [id name dob]
(Employee. {} {:empid id :empname name :dob dob}))
;; create the table
(defn create-all-tables []
(println "Creating employee table")
(in-txn db
(create-table emp-type)))
(def ymd-fmt (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. "yyyy-MM-dd"))
(defn ymd
"Accept y, m and d. Return a new date based on input."
([y m d]
(ymd (format "%d-%d-%d" y m d)))
(.parse ymd-fmt ymd)))
(defn print-all-emp
(println msg)
(println "All employee records")
(in-db db
(let [all (find-by-criteria emp-type)]
(println "All employees")
(print-entities all)))))
(defn crud []
(let [e1 (new-emp 1 "Joe Walker" (ymd "1977-10-10"))
e2 (new-emp 2 "Mary Rayle" (ymd "1983-06-15"))]
;; insert
(println "Inserting employee records")
(in-txn db
(save e1)
(save e2))
(print-all-emp "After insert")
;; retrieve by ID
(in-txn db
(let [r (find-by-id emp-type 1)]
;; update
(save (assoc r :empname "Derek Smith"))))
;; print after update
(print-all-emp "After update")
;; delete
(in-txn db
(delete emp-type 1))
;; print after delete
(print-all-emp "After delete")))
(defn -main [& args]
Breakdown of this file:
1. An in-memory data source instance is created using the H2 database and bound to the var db.
2. We define an entity Employee (meta data emp-type). For creating instances of Employee data type we use the factory function new-emp and function ymd helps create date instances.
3. We carry out the CRUD operations in the function crud.
4. Helper functions create-all-tables and print-all-emp contain commonly used functionality.
5. The -main function is the entry point when executed from an executable JAR.
Now we try to build the file:
lein uberjar
and run it
java -jar crud-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
The output should like the following:
Creating employee table
Inserting employee records
After insert
All employee records
Executing SQL...
["SELECT * FROM emp"]
All employees
empid | empname | dob
----- | ---------- | ----------
1 | Joe Walker | 1977-10-10
2 | Mary Rayle | 1983-06-15
Executing SQL...
["SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empid=?" 1]
After update
All employee records
Executing SQL...
["SELECT * FROM emp"]
All employees
empid | empname | dob
----- | ----------- | ----------
1 | Derek Smith | 1977-10-10
2 | Mary Rayle | 1983-06-15
After delete
All employee records
Executing SQL...
["SELECT * FROM emp"]
All employees
empid | empname | dob
----- | ---------- | ----------
2 | Mary Rayle | 1983-06-15
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